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Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) (review only)

Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) is written by Rod Stephens. This book is intended for New and experienced Visual programmers as it is the comprehensive guide to learn Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. This book is published by Wrox. Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) teaches you new features of VB 2008. You can get good explanations regarding VB forms, controls, objects in modern windows environment. Moreover this Visual basic book explains the powerful productivity of visual basic and showing how to perform an array of important development tasks.
This Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer) book covers following topics in detail
  1. Introduction to IDE - IDE appearance, configuration, creating and saving projects
  2. Menus, Toolbars, and Windows - file, edit, view, project, debug, toolbox, secondary windows etc.
  3. Customization - adding, removing and modifying commands
  4. Windows Form designer - setting designer options, adding controls, copying controls and arranging controls
  5. WPF designer - early version warning, adding controls, selecting and copying controls, setting properties, etc
  6. Visual Basic Code Editor - margin icons, outlining, tool tips, intellisense, code coloring and highlighting, code snippets, code editor at run-time
  7. Debugging - debug menu, debug windows submenu, breakpoints window, command and immediate windows, etc
  8. Selecting windows forms controls - controls overview, choosing controls, third party controls
  9. Using Windows forms controls - controls and components, creating controls, properties, methods, events
  10. Windows forms - transparency, about, splash and login forms, mouse cursors, icons, SDI and MDI, MRU lists, Dialog boxes, overriding windproc, summary, etc.
  11. Selecting WPF controls - control overview, containing and arranging controls, making selections, entering data, displaying data, providing feedback, initiating action, presenting graphics and media, providing navigation, managing documents, etc and more
  12. Using WPF controls - WPF concepts, WPF in IDE, XAML features, Procedural WPF, Documents, etc
  13. WPF Windows - window applications, page applications, summary
  14. Program and module structure - Hidden files, code file structure, Typographic code elements, etc
  15. Data Types, variables, and constants - Data types, type characters, data type conversion, variable declaration, option explicit and option strict, scope, parameter declarations, property procedures, anonymous types, nullable types, constants, naming conventions etc and more
  16. Operators - arithmetic, logical, bitwise, comparison, and concatenation operators and more
  17. Subroutines and functions - subroutines, functions, property procedures, extension methods, lambda functions, partial methods and more
  18. Program control statements -Decision statements, looping statements, goto, etc and more
  19. Error Handling - bugs versus unplanned conditions, structure error handling, visual basic classic error handling, structured versus classic error handling, the err object, debugging and more
  20. Database controls and objects - automatically connecting to data,data objects, connection objects, transaction objects, command objects, dataview, datarowview, simple data binding, currencymanager, complex data binding, etc and more
  21. LINQ - introduction to LINQ, basic LINQ query syntax, advanced LINQ query syntax, LINQ functions, LINQ to objetcs, LINQ to XML, LINQ to ADO.Net, etc and more
  22. Custom controls - custom controls in general, derived controls, composite controls, components, invisible controls, picking a control class, custom component security and more.
  23. Drag and Drop and the clipboard - drag and drop events, using the clipboard and more
  24. UAC Security - UAC overview, designing for UAC, elevating programs, etc
  25. OOP Concepts - classes, encapsulations, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, extension methods, etc and more
  26. Classes and structures - classes, structures, class instantiation details, structure instantiation details, garbage collection, constants, properties and methods, events, etc and more
  27. Namespaces - the import statement, root namespace, making namespaces, classes, structures and modules, resolving name space, etc and more
  28. Collection classes - arrays, collections, dictionaries, collectionsutil, stacks and queues, generics, etc
  29. Generics - advantages of generics, defining generics, using generics, predefined generic classes, generic methods, etc and more
  30. Drawing Basics - drawing overview, drawing namespaces, graphics, drawing events, etc
  31. Brushes, pens and paths - pen, brush, graphics path objects, garbage-collection issues, etc.
  32. Text - drawing text, text formating, measure string, font metrics, etc
  33. Image processing - image, bitmap, metafile objects, etc
  34. Printing - how not to print, basic printing, printing text, centering printouts, fitting pictures to the page, etc and more
  35. Reporting - report objects, building a report, crystalreportviewer, customizing a report, external reports, reportdocument, etc and more
  36. Configuration and Resources - My, environment, registry, configuration files, resource files, application, etc
  37. Streams - stream, filestream, memorystream, bufferedstream, binaryreader and binarywriter, custom stream classes and more
  38. File system objects - permissions, visual basic methods, .net framework classes, etc and more
  39. Windows communication Foundation - WCF concepts, example, building the initial service, building quoteservice, testing quoteservice, etc and more
  40. Useful Namespaces - high level namespaces, advanced examples, cryptography, reflection, direct3D, etc and more
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Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)

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